Saturday, July 20, 2024


 Here we are July 20th.   Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, July 4th have come and gone.  We will be leaving the 24th for Yellowstone.  A three day trek.  First stop Little Diamond.  Next Butte and then arriving in Cody.  We will be there until the 8th of August.  Hoping to see a lot of wildlife.

It has been hot for what seem after July fourth.  Hitting triple digits.  Been pretty hard on both human and animals.  The fair is coming up.  Sure hope it cools down for it.  

Gearing up for the Klamath Falls horse show first part of September.  

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

March 26th......

 Just got back from Redmond.  We ordered our shed from Old Hickory.  Same size as our's here at home, single door and the door has a small rectangle window within it.  Burnt red body and Navajo trim.  Should be all ready in three or four weeks.  Delivered and leveled on our property.  

Things are alive outside including the weeds; especially by the retaining wall.  Same weeds that always come up.  I swear I can't get rid of them.  Grass is starting to green up and shrubs and trees have buds..  Color is on the way.  I broke down and bought a few pansies and geraniums for the front porch.  I could not help myself.

Friday, March 1, 2024

March First...................

 We are still in winter....Bachelor has 111" and the mountains are getting pounded.  We need this!   It is our water!

Monday, February 19, 2024

February.....the month of LOVE..............

 We are getting our snow this month.....Today is the 19th.  Bachelor has nearly 100" and the mountains have been pounded on.  

Us too!    We have been getting seven to eight inches and it melted off a bit then we have been getting replacement.  Looking promising for our water!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

End of January......Projects....

 Dennis was off and running on projects this month.  First up was headboard for Nicole and Dom.  It turned out beautiful. 

Next was floating shelves for Devin.....Pretty easy project but they look lovely. 

Next was a headboard for Britt and Will.  Beautiful. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday, January 14th….

 We got our snow..over a foot and Bachelor has a base of 75”.  It snowed all day long yesterday and now the sun is out and is 19 degrees.  I have been out twice and having the increase in temp is great. I need to go out and clear.  Sidewalks and my trails to the barn have been done but I need to move the snow to get out of out driveway.

A few snowy pix…

Monday, January 8, 2024

New Year’s Day…..January 1, 2024

 2024 arrived !    Got all my Christmas down a little earlier this year and left outside stuff up because I like it.   It will stay until end of January. 

Monday, January 8th…it has been trying like crazy to snow.  We got a little this am and the mountains and Bachelor have been getting pounded; which is GREAT.