Sunday, December 23, 2012

We got our snow.......

It was 8:30 this Sunday morning and it started to spit snow.  As we got closer to Westside, it's coming down pretty good.  After church, we ran some errands and it's still coming down!!!  We got home around 12:00 and this is what we have now after the afternoon.  Beautiful.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Baby it's Cold Outside....

After we got snowed on, the temps have dropped.  Right now it's 22 degrees outside.  We are supposed to get snowed on some more.   Looks like we will have a White Christmas.....

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Morning

Ready for someone.......
Yesterday afternoon, it finally snowed and everything went to white.  This morning, we had maybe an inch and it was nice to see.  After church, we bought our 20 lb turkey for Christmas dinner then spent about an hour or so putting together 12 gifts in a jar.  They will be Cowboy cookies....later. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

There is Hope.....

After yesterday's tragedy in Conn., my heart is heavy.  I can't watch the news without crying.  Meagan took this picture with her camera later Saturday afternoon.  It is God's promise that He is with us always..

Monday, December 10, 2012


It is the month of our Savor's birth.  Let us all enjoy and remember....