Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring is here......

OK-we had some iffy weather but it is trying so very hard to be nice.  Made a few too many trips to Lowe's and their greenhouse but everything that I bought was perennials .  Ace had their gorgeous geranium baskets out and yes, I purchased a few (five to be exact) of those also.  I do bring them in the garage at night.  Come on-it's Spring.....


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Springs a comin'

This past week has been gorgeous and spring is here.  The water is on and we had a forty foot split in our mainline.  Dennis had to dig it up and replace.  For some reason it did not drain and we both are not sure what just did.  Pasture got fertilized and the irrigation pipe is down and running.  So nice to have that going.  There is something about hearing the sound of the irrigation birds going.  There were alot of my perennials in pots that did not survive the winter; which was a bummer.  And some that did; underneath all of what looks dead, I found new green growth.  New bulbs came up and even some old ones that I did not know were still there.  Denny has one more line in my yard to dig up that did not get fixed last year.  Once that happens, he can turn the sprinkler system on to my yard.  We got quite a bit done.  Working Monday thru Thursday this week.  Friday off!

My tall phlox coming up....

Pink blossoms

A survivor

New bulbs

Another survivor

Water on and green pasture....

I could not help myself...bought some tunies