Sunday, November 30, 2014

I like this better.....

It is even prettier in the dark.

Thank you Devin for bringing home the idea!!!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

New idea....ez pz

What a bunch of happy people.....

Monday, November 17, 2014

Elk Hunt 2014-Brought home a fork and a spike...hamburger and sausage on the way......

A very tidy kitchen

Getting the firewood ready

Sorry about the guts and blood

A snowy morning

A winter wonderland bird morning

Our Hunters:   Brad, Denny, Cliff and John

Friday, November 14, 2014

First snow......November 13th

Look what showed up yesterday morning.....Since Denny has been gone hunting, I do not watch the news so this was a bit of a surprise waking up to nearly a foot of snow.  It's the light, fluffy stuff too.  We are over a foot and a half now.  Currently, it has stopped snowing. 

Tucker is in the left top corner.  He is warm and dry but I don't think he really is digging it.

Friday, November 7, 2014


We are well into fall and I have a feeling that we will be making a quick left turn into winter soon.  It has been nothing short of gorgeous so no complaints.  Fall is one of my very favorite time of year.  You can't get over the beautiful color that Central Oregon gives us.  Fresh snow on the mountains and lot's of sunshine.  I still cannot believe we are less than 30 days from Thanksgiving and less than two months from Christmas.  Enjoy the pictures......

Fresh snow ..end of October

Petunias still hanging in there

Even though they are mess when the leaves fall off, the aspens are so pretty


Need to rake some leaves pretty soon

Our new maple to the left