Sunday, February 15, 2015

Happy Valentines Day!!!

We survived the four days of very high winds and I cannot tell you how happy I am that they are behind us now.  We only lost a few big juniper limbs out in our pastures but others were not as lucky.  Downtown Bend had HUGE ponderosa pines literally fall OVER.  Seven foot plus spans of roots still attached to the earth just sticking up.  Trees fell over on to peoples homes and cars.  Very scary.  See pictures of the two huge trees that came down at our friends place on Pinehurst.

Just a quick overview....Meagan and Gillian just left this morning for Boise; which is where Gill and Rick live.  Meagan has a job and will be staying with them until she gets going.  We all went out to McGraths last night to celebrate the day of LOVE, Devin and sister Deb's B-days; respectively and Meagan being Boise bound.  This is a very exciting thing and we believe lot's of very good things will come of this.  She is six hours away from us and about that from Shane and Tirza.  !!!

Hope this finds everyone well .......
Denny made this table for Devin's B-day...

First site of spring!!!

Half of this tree has already been cut off...

Some logs for milling

Just last week's sunset.

At McGraths

Poppa Ralph showing Preston how to work the camera..he later showed him how to fly a paper airplane across the table

Fun evening.......