Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sweet Flowers and Color....

We have had good weather these past few days but it has been a struggle.  I think we are on the up swing.  Irrigation is on, fertilizer is down and geranium baskets are up.


These two baskets are pinky pink

My clematis is loaded

A cart full of flowers....

Tree stump pulled out...was out by our windmill.  We will torch it come fall.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Horse Show/Second of Three Series April 11th

My boy and I did pretty good today.  English was a new goal and we did not too  shabby.  We have other things to work on though.  All riders should have received a Gold star for surviving the wind, rain and hail.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Happy Easter

Easter lunch/dinner was at mom and dad's.  (Was supposed to be brunch but certain Salladay's and Wood's were tardy)

Spring is here but this week, our weather has struggled with staying nice.  Rain and dreary skies.  We got a load of logs; which we should be set for firewood and Denny's milling.  See pictures.

I have broken down and got some color for some of my pots and yard.  I could not help it!!!
Logs arriving

See the guy operating the picker?



My boy...tail attached

Can you see where it is attached?