Monday, March 12, 2018


Can you believe March is here?!? 

The upside is that I believe winter is behind us and spring is close and trying to break through...
New birdhouse

Already has new occupants

Jumbo crocus..survivor

Bachelor has dropped under 100"

Thrift store find

Argus, Jack and Lilly in the center.  Going to the river

Monday, March 5, 2018

End of February..............the month of LOVE

Well-we are feeling winter.  What we should have gotten in December and January, we are getting in February.  It has been snowing in the eve and waking up to everything covered with 2-3 inches.  Bachelor is getting more snow pack; which is good.  Last checked, we had 110" base.

Second Rag Quilt.........for mom...

Thrift Store find

Almost done

All done...for mom's day & her Birthday.  Those are Denny's feet

Posted a Thrift Store find.  Unable to find any information on it.  Finished mom's rag quilt.  This one went better.  I used 11" squares and no batting.  Chose a fleece for the back that I will never use again.  Grrrrrrrrrrr.  It is bigger than Devin's and lighter.  I hope she likes it!

Daxtyn Allen was born today February 22, 2018

We have a new nephew!!!  Nicole and Dom had their baby boy this morning.....