Sunday, March 10, 2019

March .

Can you believe it is March? 

Springing forward an hour today and I sure hope it helps me with the funk I am in.

I think we are on the downhill slide of winter.  No more accumulation in the forecast.  Thank you!!!

Ready for this all to melt of slowly.................What we can count on is green grass, flowers (lots of them!) our reservoirs being full along with our lakes and rivers.

Guessing it will be end of April and into May before it is all gone.
Meagan and Casino

I don't think either one of them are amused.

Jack-Ready for anything

February **** did not disappoint ***

The only things on Meagan's care that showed was her side mirrors.

This pic got sent to KTVZ

And when the sun comes out.....

narly icesickles

Even cooler looking icesickles

December and January was easy on us and it actually gets us worried when we don't have much of a snowfall.

Well, February stepped in and we are not worried anymore.  Bachelor climbed to to over 130+ inches at the base.  The mountains have a huge depth and so do we.