Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April......Easter at John and Deb's !!!

The huntsmen and huntswoman

Meaggie...getting ready to leave for Panama

Where did March go?

After the February snow...it took all of March to melt off and put everything back together again.  Like the driveway.  :(

Everything cleans up though.......

I have been able to spend some days cleaning up outside and getting ready for FLOWERS.  Some of the greenhouses are sporting the pansies and a few hardy things.  I broke down and bought some geraniums, pansies and lavender and put them in some pots for color.

Come the middle of May, we should be in the clear.....watch out!
Finished.. Very happy how they turned out
Denny made this for our upstairs bathroom

Devin's B-day surprise

Re furbished

Used to be Jeannette's

Cupboard replaced with chicken wire

Cabinet doors; replaced with chicken wire

Love Easter

Tree was taken out.  The root system was unbelieveable

Thank goodness for early pansies


I have no idea why I took a picture of this

I love Easter

Geraniums.  The yellow flowers were survivors  and the sage.