Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Rylynn's bookshelf............

Finally finished Rylynn's bookshelf.  I was extremely tardy with getting this project done since her birthday was in February.

Got it done and I think it turned out quite nice!


All done!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thursday.....May 16th- 12:30 am

Picked up Meaggie this morning from her rejuvenated   three week trip to Panama! 

She said it was a trip of a lifetime!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Mother's Day ***** Sunday, May 12th


 Mother's Day Sunday.  Weather was perfect and we never go hungry!

Happy Mother's Day to my mom, Janet, sister Deb, Ruth, Diane, Denise, Brittany and Nicole!!!



Spring Tea at Westside Friday, May 10th

Westside did a switch this year.  They have been doing Christmas Tea the First Friday of December for years.

This year, they tried a Spring Tea.  It was a success.

May Day

April just flew by.  Here we are into May.

We have been doing winter cleanup.  I lost four big limbs off my arborvitaes and we took out three trees.  Replaced two aspens and three Eastern Red Buds.  Good to go!
New Red bud and Aspen in the background

Dennis got a whim


Jack the man......