Saturday, March 5, 2022

March First.....

February......The Month of Love

 Pictures have been sparse and I don't know why.  January is over and we are well into February.  

Devin and Deb had their birthdays .....39 and 61 respectively.   We were able to go out for some dinner with Cliff/Gayle and John/Deb; Mandelines.  It was nice to get out with friends.  

Mom and dad are doing OK.  Dad has been experiencing collapses; way more than usual.  When Brittany was on Tuesday, he collapsed and had three good seizures.  Paramedics were called and he has been in the hospital for nearly two weeks.  BP is off due to his Louie Body.  Something we did not know.  The whole healthcare system is a cartoon.  No one communicates.  We are hoping to get him into a rehab facility for some days so he can start trying to regain his leg strength.