Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Just a few updates for March.

We have been experiencing lovely weather...cannot complain.  We woke up to snow last Saturday morning but it has all melted off now.  The mountains are getting some new although we still are behind the eight ball  with our snow pack.

 Devin has been riding a new mare, Ziggy.  She is over 17 hands, coming 16 and is a Trakehner/TB.  They are doing their bonding and coming along.  Tucker thinks she is his lover and visa virsa.  Good grief.

The foundation has been poured for our metal building and now just waiting for the phone call when it should be delivered and put together.  It will house our RV, my horse trailer and the two utility trailers. 

Hope all is well with everyone!!!
Devin and Ziggy

She has a natural way of going..thinking Dressage...

Formed up

Mud going down

Saturday morning..

Starting to melt off..

Idea from Hobby Lobby...

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