Sunday, June 14, 2015


We arrived in Yellowstone but ended up staying in Gardner, MT; which is five miles from the park.  EVERYTHING-all RV parks were booked solid until September.  Grrrrr....  it worked out that we made the loop and saw lots of buffalo, elk; both bulls and cows.  Denny saw a river otter (he thinks) or a beaver.    Beautiful park and seeing the wildlife in their environment is even more spectacular.

We got into Idaho yesterday and are staying at the Cowboy RV Park in Pocatello.  We will be here Saturday and Sunday night and leaving early Monday morning for Boise to see Meaggie.

It sure is nice to see mountains again!!!!!!

Greybull, Wy

First buffalo we saw in the park...all by himself chill'n

Road work in the park...north entrance (Garner, MT) side

Mammoth ....Bee Hive

Mammoth Lakes

This guy was stopped right along the road.  We were about six feet away (too close)

Road work-I think this guy made a wrong turn...

Different buffalo...


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