Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Fall....is a coming

A little better picture of the mountains

Geraniums; still hanging in there

After three day of not seeing the mountains, they make themselves present.

Love this color.

Thank you Cheryl for the corn stalks!

Windmill is spinning...

Tucker said..OK-just take my pictures because I am so handsome.

My Casino boy.  He is very handsome and a loverboy as well.

Fall has arrived.  We have gotten some rain and kind of crummy skies.  We did not see the mountains for three days and when they appeared again, they had fresh snow on them.

We have been getting ready for what is coming afterwards (winter)...blowing out the sprinkler systems, putting the irrigation up for another season.  Denny has been doing a hustle and getting our woodstove back into place.  Waiting for three good backs that will be available next week.

Dennis, Devin and Brad came home empty handed on the deer hunt.  They had a good time though.

We will be leaving this Thursday for Belknapp Springs.  Our last outing of the year..argggggg.    Mom and dad, John and Deb, us and anyone else that make it up.  Denny is cooking a "Country Big Horn" breakfast on Saturday for everyone.  The weather should hold....

Hope All is well with everyone.  Happy Fall !

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