Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A day with Grey Saturday, November 12th...

Devin and I picked Greyson up on Saturday.  We went to a few Christmas boutiques and then headed out for him to ride Tucker; which is what he has been talking about ALL week.

He also got to ride Casino a few loops around the arena and down to the barn.  I think he had a fun day.  We sure did.
And around we go

Mountains were gorgeous today

Shortly after this picture, Casino did a full body shake.  Grey almost got shook off, but he hung on!

Grey had treats...Tucker is on to him

Are you sure there are not more treats in your hood???

My new snowy scene. 

The snowy scene will likely stay until March

My handsome boy.  He makes me smile every time I ride him 🙂🙂🙂

Back cinch is on it's last holes.  Mmmmmmm

Tucker is truly a gentleman to this sweet boy

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