Thursday, December 15, 2016

December 15th- the aftermath

As promised, it started snowing early yesterday morning and did not stop until sometime late, late last night.  It just started stacking the tune of a good foot and a half.    Sooooooo, this morning I needed to run into town to do a few errands.  Managed to get about 3/4 up our driveway, rolled backwards to get another running start  and got caught in the deep snow; really close to our fence.  Dennis chained up the quad and ended up pulling me out.  He bladed and cleaned up things so we are in a better way now.   No new snow in the forecast...just supposed to be cool through the weekend.


Lilly and Jack helping



At the top of Hereford...pretty

93rd Street..just got bladed today.  Left a very large snow berm at the end of our driveway

Both Lilly and Jack played hard in the snow today

Jack looks a little pooped out here

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