Sunday, January 29, 2017

January..coming to an end

It is Sunday, January 29th and we just got back from church.  It is bitter cold outside at 30 degrees.  Our snow accumulation is melting gradually; which is best. 

I was able to finally dig out my gates and drag and clean up a little yesterday.  Meaggie topped the wood box for me and I blew out the garage, sidewalks and my barn.  It is so nice to see my lawn and gravel again.  I think we are on the down hill slide of our winter snow fall.

Posted quite a few pictures because the scenery is so pretty.
The melting process

Still had quite a bit of snow here

Dennis did this...thinking he could go over three foot of snow just because he had chains on.

The sun peering through the fog

The sun made the mountains almost pink

Finally dug out and seeing our driveway again

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