Thursday, May 4, 2017

Almost there.... May 1st-

Everything is nearly back to normal.  Denny finished the dresser and my dining room table.  They look like brand new.

We are late with getting the water turned on for house irrigation and my fields.  With a little help from Meagan, I mucked out my front yard pond and got it up and running.  Pee  U!!!  That job is always an ugly.  I cleaned out the irrigation pond as best I could without slipping and breaking my neck.  Irrigation pipe will be down by the weekend.  I have broken down and bought some flowers.  We have had some lovely weather and I think (I hope) we are in the clear.  Cannot tell you how much I miss the pond going and flowers.  They are both a spring welcome.  What do we have left?  Trim in dining, living and downstairs closet.  Trim on stair landing and all bedroom closets.

Hooking up our stereo system.

I have grass repair.

All the boys are back

Dennis got these at Lowes.  I really like them.

My table looks like new again!

New stain and knobs.

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