Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Day-

We had nearly 20 peeps this year!!! Plenty of food and deserts and Secret Santa was as fun as it is every year.

Happy Birthday Jesus.  Wishing All of you Christmas Blessings this December season. 
20 lbs and stuffed


Dom drew  my name for Secret Santa.  There is a candle within rocks inside.  Thank you Dom for being my Secret Santa!

Will, Dom, Nicole and Devin

Dad, John, Grey, Diane, Mack Britt and Will

The Traeger did a fabulous job

Denise got a comforter set for her new place

Daddy Mack helped Rylynn with her gifties

What a good looking crew!!!

There is always those that have to be goofy

Devin and Argus

Good picture of all of you!

Denny insisted on doing this in my front yard


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