Sunday, October 4, 2020


 Yip.....October has arrived.  I love the colors and it is one of my favorite seasons but........we all know what follows. 

Our pad and road got completed in John Day and we both are real happy with how it turned out.  Between the COVID and the awful fires that all got started, what a mess and distress to our state and also California.

Managed a trip to John Day and Brad, Ruth and the boys joined us.  A few trips to Magone Lake and antique-junk shopping in Canyon City...good time.

We have had lovely weather...into the 80’s; which is kind of unusual but it has been nice.  Looking at making one more trip to eastern Oregon.  

Stay tuned.

John Day..sun going down....
The road and pad being started
A few little diddies on the pump house

Magone Lake.
Found this tile at the Buggy Shop in Canyon City

Finally got some well needed rain..
Pencil sketch found at Redmond Antique Mall with Devin 

Grey spent the day with us and rode his Tucker.

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