Tuesday, April 27, 2021

April 27th..........Pretty much done

 Well, I have done as much as I can.  The backyard is as done for now.  The big patch has been seaded and we should see new grass popping up in a week or so.  Supposed to get warmer weather in the next few days so that should help. 

Re-did some stuff.  Made my brick sidewalk another brick wider; which I like.  Made a few beds bigger and did some other rearranging to make it look different.  My initial thoughts are that I did not put much effort into the backyard because I knew it would have to be tore up.  The septic replacement should have been replaced about 15 years ago.  Sooooooooo  every year that went by.  I like the new look.  I need more color.  Stay tuned.

Root system from old Arbavate


Made the sidewalk a brick wider

Love the bench Dennis made

I cannot believe he built a fire this am.

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