Thursday, April 7, 2022

Eagles Rogue....aka .....Tucker April 1, 1994 - April 4, 2022

I let me senior boy go today.  Found him when he was 8 and it is still hard to believe he has been with me for 20 years.   

These past several months he has battled with his colic and several of those times I did not think he was going to pull through.  I believe his digestive system was failing and I don't think he felt good.  The look in his eyes gave me that courage to make this hard decision. 

He was a good pony....very all around.  He was big and getting up under himself was alot of effort but he packed my butt everywhere.  Even a few parades. And he was Always on his aides.  

His last few years, he loved to pack littles around; especially Greyson.  Tucker loved Grey and Grey loved Tucker.

You will be  missed my good boy.  


He was so careful

Green Lakes  2019 I think his eyes are shut!



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