Saturday, May 6, 2023

May Sixth…..Saturday….

 We will be having Mother’s Day Brunch here next Sunday.  Hoping that all can make it and that the weather is lovely.

I have been missing and thinking about both mom and dad continuously.  I know Deb has too.  We both have struggled in our own way; which we are alike in that respect.  It still does not seem real.  It has been over nine months that dad was taken from us and over four months for mom.  Time does not stop.  Everything goes on; which I find very ironic; don’t ask me why.  The hurt is still there and so is the emptiness.  I ask myself if it will go away and not feel so strong.  Am I wanting it to go away?  I don’t think it will.  I just want to replace it with all good things…no sadness; only happiness.  I want to talk about them without crying and being saddened.  I am still working on it.  

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