Monday, March 27, 2017

Done-for now March 20th thru March 23rd

All complete and ready for hardwood to be laid April 9th and carpet the following Tuesday.

All painted-living room and dining, stair, our bathroom and our closet.  Rag stained all of the wood jams and trim around the windows and doors.  Once that was done, it just brings back new life to the wood.

Just got back from Tacoma, WA and Oregon City today.  Went to the Bill O'Rielly "Spin stops Here" at the Tacoma Dome with Mike and Pat.  Good trip and visit.

Just a few small projects on the schedule this week.  Painting and distressing my bookcases; both the large and small one.  Denny is going to sand and refinish by oak dining room table and leaf.  We are in a "breathe" zone now.  Just waiting for the wood floors and carpet.  Once that is done, trim goes back on and the house gets put back together.  
There is a rainbow here....

My ceiling medallion. 

The window jams and trim look so much better.

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