Monday, July 10, 2017

Home Again....................

Meaggie did a good job of taking care of the place while we were gone.  My painted child cut his leg (on irrigation pipe at best guess) the Sunday after we left.  Both of the girls helped with getting him through 10 days of stall space until the stitches came out.  It looks good and I am hoping that he should just have a small scar.    Grrrrrrrrrrr

It felt good to be home and  back in my yard.  Most of my hanging baskets survived.  It's hard to keep them going with such hot weather.  I cut out an area by the pond that was high traffic and the dogs had wrecked the lawn.  I really like it better. 

Our next little trip is Sunriver Thousand Trails this weekend with Brad and Ruth.  It will be nice to be around a pool.

Peonies just before we left.  They are all gone now.

I like it-

This was given to us by our neighbors who just moved.  He was a waiter...

He is now a Grand Prix dressage rider....

Looking for a top hat...

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