Monday, July 10, 2017

Newport, WA-Glacier-June 22nd thru July 7th-2017

I am finally posting our pictures of our trip to Newport, Wa-Hungry Horse, MT and back to Newport.

What a good trip and what gorgeous country in Montana with John and Deb.  Our first black bear sighting was just entering Glacier National Park.  And the next day, we were able to come across four; we believe there were two adults and two small cubs.  John went on a trip to Hungry Horse Dam and came across one that was twice the size of what we saw.  We are believing him as he did not have a camera or a phone. 😅    

Four nights in Newport Thousand Trails, four nights in Hungry Horse RV and back to Thousand Trails for the remainder of our stay.  Brad, Ruth and the boys were with us for the first leg.  We all went to Silverwood Water Park and spent the day on Saturday, the 24th.  Perfect day.

Glacier was gorgeous and we were lucky enough that Logan Pass finally opened when we went in.  Fifty miles of breathtaking gorgeous.  The pictures cannot justify.

Denny and I took a hike up to Avalanche Lake; two miles in and two back.  The lake is the center of several falls that fall into it.  On the way up and back, there is narly water powering through.  And we lucked out on that one too......not too awful hot and we did not get sprinkled on like they were saying might happen.

No Buffalo in Glacier; which we were both surprised and disappointed.  A road trip to the Canadian border; at least gave us some pictures.  Being able to see five and six black bear was quite thrilling though!

Enjoy the pictures..............................
Hungry Horse RV park-

Little road trip to see stuff

One of the viewpoints

John and Deb

Montana farm country

First black bear sighting!!!

He was going to cross but some dummy ahead of us got out of his car.

Buffalo farm-close to the Canadian border

This reminded us of Wyoming 

Two adults and two cubs are in the shrubs

Starting Logan Pass

Mountain goat-

I cannot remember the elevation but we are there

On our way to Avalanche Lake

Beginning of our hike

Doe-she did not care about anything-kept her head down the whole time

Avalanche Lake-seven falls feed into it

New growth

One our way back down

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