Sunday, September 2, 2018

Seaside 2018 ..Hood To Coast

When Devin found out her team got pulled to run the Hood to Coast, we started planning a vacation to Seaside.

Arrived August 23rd and headed back home the 29th.

It was so much fun to know someone crossing the FINISH LINE; especially when she was your own kid! 

Weather was perfect and nice to get out of the heat and smoke.
Bubblie Babes

Deb and John and crew.


Meaggie and Britt

Champaign Finish!!!

Doogers-with The Gieskings
Dennis looks like he just farted.

Finished and received their medals

Mack and Diane...not sure about the other one

Nicole and Daxtynn

Grey and Rylynn

Walked downtown  after being on the beach with the dogs

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