Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Some September...........

Geraniums still going

Mini roses from Mother's Day

New windows!!!  

Baby mums...

 Here we are passed the middle of September.  It has been gorgeous here (as to be expected) but we all know what is on the way.  We just got new windows replaced in the bedrooms, our bathroom and the living room north side.  Last December, we replaced the dining room windows and my kitchen.  I could sure tell a difference in the cold.  We up-graded our woodstove and the old one is being removed and replaced with our new one towards the end of this month.  I am excited to see how it burns wood in comparison to our old one.  I am sure we will be going through less wood this coming winter.  We are leaving for a Beaver game with Brad and Ruth this coming Friday.  Looks like that will be our last RV trip.  Denny is getting lined up for deer and elk hunting. All is well here!!!

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