Friday, January 22, 2021

Happy New Year!!! Welcome 2021 .............................. January First, Two Thousand Twenty One ******

 With 2020 being a huge challenge for EVERYONE, we are welcoming 2021 with open arms. 

Looking back, we all were extremely fortunate that no one in our family got COVID; which I think, is a blessing in itself.  We were most concerned about mom and dad.   With the vaccines here and the start of the vaccination process begins, I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel..

Today is January 22nd and we woke up to alot of snow this am.  It is actually about time.  The mountains have snow but we have gotten VERY LITTLE.  I believe we nearly have a foot. 

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment....A little from Christmas and our New Year in January.

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