Tuesday, February 9, 2021

February First.................The month of LOVE

 It is February.....honestly..I am thankful that January is a very long month.  Gave us time to re-group.  

Cleaned up a little outside and got some well needed snow.  The north field still has leftovers.  Bachelor has over 80" and the mountains look gorgeous.

Both Dennis and I are on "the schedule" to get our first vaccines the third and fourth week of this month.  Both of us will feel better after we are done with that.

Everyone is good and pushing through.  

I love this picture...Devin and Ziggy

2015 Maupin

I lover this picture..Grey and Lilly

This is a good one too..and there is Maverick!

Oh my word...

Yes...we are spoiled

There is about a foot here

Blue bird day..

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