Sunday, December 9, 2018

A little bit of December..................

It has been cold; which is not fun to be out in. 

I have been all decorated since November 28th; which I think is an early record for me.  I love the smells, the lights and the quiet. 

Our new stove has been pumping along; keeping us warm.  We are not going through the wood like we did with our Fisher.  It was a monster but gulped up the wood like no tomorrow.

No new snow here for a few weeks.  Still white from the last time and it is only still here because we have been so cold.  The mountains look gorgeous and the air smells excellent..

Going to start my newsletter in the next few days.  A few more little things on the "to do" list.
I think this is so pretty

No flash used

My famous Santa from a very long time ago


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