Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day December 24th, 25th and 26th

It had been raining here for the past few days.    As we got closer to Christmas Eve, I really thought we were not going to get any snow and were going to be stuck with a Willamette Valley, rainy Christmas.  Yuck.

But................about 3:00 pm, the temp dropped and the snow came.  It made everything white ..a little slick but we all got home safe.

Chili and corn bread at Devin's after church.  Her house looked adorable.  She painted her bathroom and did some things different.  Her dad made her a farm bench that fits the bathroom perfect.

We got home around 8:00.....chores being done; including water troughs in the snow.  Horses were dry as it kept coming down.  White Christmas was asked for and received!

Christmas morning......turkey stuffed and in the Traeger.  Tables and chairs up and getting everything tidy for dinner at 4:00.

Turkey was perfect and everyone brought their dishes.  Dinner was delicious.  Pictures!!!!

After dinner, Secret Santa reveal and desert if you wanted some.

Another Christmas dinner down in the memory books.  And we had snow on the ground to boot.

Tyler and his four buddies will arrive sometime tomorrow, the 27th.  They will be here until the first, boarding all over Bachelor.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

All stuffed and ready for the Traeger

Gift from Devin to her dad

27 peeps this year!  Leann missing in pic. left early to do chores

December 26th  

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