Friday, June 22, 2018

Capitol Hill tour-

We left on the early bus to head down to the Capitol; hoping to find Greg Waldon's office and hoping we got in on a special tour.  

Mission accomplished!  We not only got a special tour of the Capitol that is not offered to the public, but we also got to sit in on them presenting and voting on bills and see Mr. Waldon working.  Afterwards, he gave us a about ten minutes, got to meet and shake his hand and got some pictures.   While watching Mr. Waldon, in walked Paul Ryan and a few other guys.  There was a small group of about ten that got in on this and two other couples were from Bend and just outside Sunriver.  What are the odds?

This boxer puppy was at the Arab show

The grill is open

We both were pretty hot and sweaty

Trying out the new selfie stick

On our way to the Capitol

This is Teddy Bear; office mascott

Lady Freedom

Is this not great???

This is the center of the capitol

Lincoln-sculptor left the left side of his face incomplete; as his life was cut short


The ceiling of the Capitol's Rotunda

The Rotunda

We saw him too


Lady Freedom; also on the very top of the Capitol

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