Sunday, June 17, 2018

From Lexington, VA to Washington DC !

Got a good start from Lexington and made good time to Maryland.  Landscape still the same.  Very green and lots of trees.  Large yards that are always mowed and tidy and the fields are extremely pretty.  More and more agriculture and even saw fields being raked and ready to be  baled.  They use the big rolls of bales. 

Quite a few herds of cattle, corn fields started to appear and some other agriculture that was growing that I could not figure out what it was.

We entered Maryland pretty quickly and the sign is a little blurry but we made it.  Coming into the city was a little tense but we got through it.  Our site is perfect.

Cherry Hill RV Park is the largest RV park that we have every been to and by far, is geared to ALL ages.  It is huge and has all the normal stuff....potties, showers and laundry.  This has a few little stores, pools, playgrounds, tennis courts, mini golf.  This is family owned and they had their game on when they designed it.  Very clean and tidy.  Love it!

The bus picks people up here at the park and you can go anywhere via public transportation. 

We made a mistake tonight.....thought we were going on our night tour and we missed the day tour; which was today and not Wednesday like we thought.  Re-organizing to see if the some changes can be made.   Stay tuned.
On the road again..

Pretty settings

This field was being racked and put into wind rows

Started merging into traffic

Made it thanks to Greta Garmin!!


Information office

The last several states that we have been through, were Coke people  :( 

Metro train

They all run on time....

This area was blocked off; they were filming a movie.  Wonderwoman 2

Washington Monument

A tourist

Where the hell are we???

Cannot believe this!

Blocks of food trucks

Ate some lunch here

The arts building.  Denny had to make a pee stop

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