Thursday, June 14, 2018

Lexington, Virginia

By far my favorite town.  Very old and preserved downtown area.  Cobblestone sidewalks, very old brick buildings that have been well preserved and taken care of.   And history.

We spent some time in a very old cemetery where Confederate General  Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson's tombstone is along with his family.  Extremely old gravestones are there.  The cemetery is situated among very old oak trees.

Lexington is home to the military academy as well.  We shot numerous pictures of very old building and homes.  Everything is so nicely manicured.  

First antique store we went into before going downtown

This was perfect!

Arab Horse Show- four days...

Main Show arena; about the size of our Event Center

Medal class-saddleseat Eq

Six month old Boxer puppy (black)

He was getting tacked up to go do something

Huge facility

In the event of a tornado, all horses are welcomed here

Entering the academy

This squirrel was busy

Tomb of General  Thomas  "Stonewall" Jackson

General Jackson served under General Robert E Lee

These huge oak trees were being held together with rods

I don't think was the same squirrel that I saw before

Oldest tombstone we found

Downtown Lexington

Brick and cobblestone sidewalks

These horses needed rubber shoes; same as New Orleans :( 

Andrew Jackson's house

Got a coffee and a chocolate chip cookie

We had lunch here

Real estate is alot cheaper here!!!

The bar where we had lunch

This kind of horse art is everywhere

These smelled delicious!

Lee Hi RV Camp

Had a little lunch downtown.  People of Virginia are very pleasant to talk to.  While at the Arab Horse Shoe at the Virginia Horse Center, we met someone that was from Portland, Oregon.  How does that happen?

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